We Can Bring an End to Human Trafficking
- 'Remarkable' Warwickshire Woman Awarded an OBE in King’s New Year Honours List 2025
- Elam Featured on Cover of National Referral Mechanism Handbook
- Trafficking Hell
- Elam Featured in World Day Against Trafficking In Persons
- Elam Featured in United States DoD Series "Survivor Voices of Human Trafficking"
- Elam Speaks On Applying Gender-Sensitive Lens to Effectively Tackle Trafficking
- Elam Honored With Senatorial Citation
- PRESS RELEASE - The Task Force Expands Into the University of South Florida
- Elam Appointed to the International Survivors of Trafficking Advisory Council (ISTAC)
- PRESS RELEASE - Task Force Receives Sizable Donations
“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by
those who watch them without doing anything” – Albert Einstein
Support Our Mission
Our mission is to work together with local, state, global and congressional lawmakers and train global law enforcement, judges, prosecutors, medical and mental health professionals to help bring an end to the scourge of human trafficking.
One person can make a difference and we appreciate your commitment to helping us bring an end to human trafficking.
Donate today and help us save a life.
Trafficking in America Task Force is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, Tax ID: 32-0495587. Your contribution is fully tax-deductible in the USA.
Who We Are
What We Do
and Our Leadership
Who We Are
Helping to Bring an End to All Forms of Human Trafficking
What We Do
Helping Create a Culture Free of Modern Day Slavery
Meet Our Leadership
Board of Directors, Advisory Board, Legal, and Staff
Numbers Say It All
The United Nations describes human trafficking as “recruiting, harboring, transporting, providing, or obtaining a person for compelled labor or commercial sex acts through the use of force, fraud, or coercion.” Here are just some of the staggering numbers that drive alongside human trafficking:
The Average Age of a Victim of Child Sex Trafficking
$150,000 to $200,000
Amount a Pimp Makes per Child (Average Pimp Solicits 4 to 6 Victims at a Time)
Total Market Value of Illicit Human Trafficking
The number of children who may be at risk of being prostituted in the United States, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.
1 in 7
The number of endangered runaways, reported to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, who were likely sex trafficking victims.
Hidden America: Chilling New Look at Sex Trafficking in the US
The Unseen Victims: Males
Historically, women have been identified as the overwhelming majority of victims of human trafficking but recent studies have shown male victims of trafficking have been severely overlooked. In a 2008 study by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, of those who were sexually exploited in New York, fifty percent of victims were found to be boys from the United States, being trafficked domestically. Until now anti-trafficking organizations have been focused on female victims but that tide is now starting to turn. Male victims have become the invisible population.
My Story - Jerome Elam
“What I can do is fight until my dying breath …”
The Invisible Population
“Boys are more looked upon as perpetrators … not victims.”
Being a Survivor
USA TODAY: Horrifying Tales of Child Sex Slavery
Resources for Male Victims
Important Resources for Male Victims of Sex Trafficking
Latest Blog Posts
Elam Appointed to the International Survivors of Trafficking Advisory Council (ISTAC)
Elam Honored to be Appointed to the International Survivors of Trafficking Advisory Council (ISTAC) Jerome Elam, President and CEO of Trafficking in America Task Force, was appointed to the International Survivors of Trafficking Advisory Council (ISTAC) formed by the...
PRESS RELEASE – Task Force Receives Sizable Donations
PRESS RELEASENovember 25, 2020 Just in Time for the Holidays: Task Force Receives Sizable Donation to Meet Needs and Bring Joy to Victims and Their Families Trafficking in America Task Force Inc. was honored to receive a significant donation of toiletries and toys...
Jerome Elam: The Story of a Child Abused and Trafficked
Jerome Elam featured in Podcast, "The Story of a Child Abused and Trafficked" I was incredibly honored to be a guest on the “Trafficked” Podcast with Cheryl Hunter. “Trafficked” chronicles the stories of sex-trafficking survivors as told to Cheryl Hunter, a kidnapping...
#Unscripted with @ShelleyZalis featuring Jerome Elam
Tune In on Linked In, #Unscripted with Special Guest Jerome Elam According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, 1 in 7 endangered runaways are likely sex trafficking victims. How do we create a culture free of modern day slavery? Tune in with me...