Elam Speaks On Applying Gender-Sensitive Lens to Effectively Tackle Trafficking

Jerome Elam, President and CEO of Trafficking in America Task Force, was incredibly honored to be both a speaker at the online public event launch of and contributor to the Occasional Paper No. 10 by the OSCE Office of the Special Representative and Co-Ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings “APPLYING GENDER-SENSITIVE APPROACHES IN COMBATING TRAFFICKING IN HUMAN BEINGS.”

Based on findings of a multi-method research design which included surveys, expert interviews and expert group meetings with survivors, anti-trafficking experts, service providers and law enforcement, the paper explores the development of and gaps in applying gender-sensitive approaches in the framework of THB prevention, protection, and prosecution. By providing targeted recommendations for the OSCE participating States, it is hoped that the publication will increase the understanding of the challenges and opportunities that lie in applying gender-sensitive approaches to combatting THB in all areas of the anti-trafficking response, from providing assistance and protection to addressing root causes and rendering justice through criminal proceedings. Boys, girls, men and women are vulnerable to trafficking in human beings for different reasons and are affected in different ways. Prevention, protection, and prosecution efforts, therefore, must apply a gender-sensitive lens in order to effectively tackle trafficking and respond to the specific needs of all victims.